The pennants - Lombardia

Page dedicated to the pennants of the sports clubs of the Lombardy region, both those displayed in the sanctuary and those stored in the warehouse.

For each pennant we ask the respective sports clubs to provide us with a caption regarding the sports club with historical information and contacts. The material must be sent via email to

1. Enter the word or phrase you are looking for into the search box.
2. Select the option you are interested in from the results.
3. You will be directed to the pennant you searched for.

Province of Como

Ciclistica Paina

Ciclistica Carugo Arosio 1979

U.C. Cabiatese

Comune di Mariano Comense

G.S. Veroca Como

G.S. Alzate Brianza Società Campione d'Italia

Altopiano Seveso

50° anniversario

Corpo musicale Mariano Comense

Cuochi di Como

Kiwanis International

Oratorio S. Luigi

Società Ciclistica Spinaverde

Unione Sportiva Vertematese

Province of Lecco

G.S. Lomagna

Azienda Soggiorno Turismo di Lecco

Polisportiva Barzanò

Province of Varese

Circolo Giovanile Oratorio Porto Ceresio

Gruppo Sportivo Cicloamatori Castellanza

G.S. Caffe' Nazionale

Velo Club Malnatese

UC Bustese Olona

Province of Bergamo

G.S. Brember Valley

Province of Brescia

U.S. Urago Mella

Province of Milan

Velosport Abbiategrasso

UV Foritudo F.lli Poppi Palazzolo

U.S. Cusago

S.C. La Veloce Melzo

Pro Loco Melzo

CCRS Gruppo Unicredito Italiano - Milano

Ciclamanti Senago

Ciclistica D. Fiorani

Comm. Reg. giudici di gara Reg. Lombardo

C.S.I Milano

G.S. 8 Legnano

La Lombarda

Pedale Castanese

Provincia di Monza Brianza

Altopiano Seveso

Coro Nicolajewka gruppo A.N.A. Desio

Provincia di Mantova

Huntsman Cral Aziendale

Official website of the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Ghisallo: the sanctuary of cyclists.
Virtual tour of the Sanctuary.

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